EGSA at Farm Science Review

For full event, click here!

Hosted by CFAES

by Angel Haller

Entomologists play a critical role in agricultural practices, so of course we had to represent at Ohio’s major Farm Science Review event! We showed guests all the cool insects (and other arthropods) we brought in our iconic BugMobile. Outside, students talked with guests about bees and butterflies while getting a firsthand look at real live examples! Inside, we had many examples of exotic pinned collections, and a batch of live insects for guests to observe and handle. The stars of the show were our Madagascar Hissing roaches, which were described as “puppy dogs of the insect world.” Many guests got to hold these guys, or just pet them! Events like these remind me how much I love my job. I take pride in dispelling common myths around these beautiful creatures, and working to break down barriers built on fear.


OSU Represented at ESA’s NCB Meeting (wow alphabet soup!)


Tailgate at WKU vs OSU